Welcome to our Website

We meet on Tuesdays @ 7PM; face to face meetings are held at DeMolay House – 90 Margaret St Toowoomba (Opposite Queens Park) and on-line via Zoom

Speaker – Samuel Markham – “Landscape composition” @ Zoom Session
Jul 23 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Please note the change of address for the Zoom meeting for this session: ZOOM Link – https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIuce6vrDMsGdCrh16RsOKv2whVlwpE6sTT ZOOM Meeting ID  – 863 6772 8634 Password –  gra45hj    
Lightroom for Beginners Workshop 1 @ TRC Community Rooms, Level 3, City Library
Jul 27 @ 10:00 am – 3:00 pm

This first workshop will focus on understanding the Lightroom Catalog. What, exactly is the LR Catalog and how to set up a catalog that will allow you to easily organise, maintain and retrieve your photos in an orderly manner. We will also look at how best to import and export photos, assigning attributes, collections, keywording, and much more. Members should bring their laptop to the workshop for hands-on practice.

Your committee is looking for interest at this time so that venue bookings can be confirmed, etc. So if you are interested please please let me know by email: webmaster@tpsi.org.au

Lightroom for Beginners Workshop 2 @ Toowoomba Regional Library Community Rooms
Aug 3 @ 10:00 am – 3:00 pm
TPS Field Day – Nightscape Photography @ St Pauls Anglican Church (TBC)
Aug 3 @ 4:30 pm – 10:30 pm

Meeting information is emailed out to members by our website.

We also try to have a field day each month. Locations will be emailed out via post from our website and you can see our planned outings on the calendar.

// Action for CLUBS
About us

Our aim is to promote, improve, share and enjoy photography in Toowoomba and the surrounding district offering many services, all specifically designed to improve photography and photographic skills in a friendly social atmosphere. Membership is open to all comers regardless of whether you are a beginner, an amateur or a professional photographer.

Join our Club Upcoming Events - mouse over for details
7:00 pm Speaker – Samuel Markham – “Land... @ Zoom Session
Speaker – Samuel Markham – “Land... @ Zoom Session
Jul 23 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Please note the change of address for the Zoom meeting for this session: ZOOM Link – https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIuce6vrDMsGdCrh16RsOKv2whVlwpE6sTT ZOOM Meeting ID  – 863 6772 8634 Password –  gra45hj    
10:00 am Lightroom for Beginners Workshop 1 @ TRC Community Rooms, Level 3, City Library
Lightroom for Beginners Workshop 1 @ TRC Community Rooms, Level 3, City Library
Jul 27 @ 10:00 am – 3:00 pm
This first workshop will focus on understanding the Lightroom Catalog. What, exactly is the LR Catalog and how to set up a catalog that will allow you to easily organise, maintain and retrieve your photos[...]
7:00 pm TPSI Monthly Meeting and Competi... @ DeMolay
TPSI Monthly Meeting and Competi... @ DeMolay
Aug 13 @ 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm
Members and friends are invited to our monthly meeting and competition night – 7pm at DeMolay House on the second Tuesday of each month.
7:00 pm TPSI Monthly Meeting and Competi... @ DeMolay
TPSI Monthly Meeting and Competi... @ DeMolay
Sep 10 @ 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm
Members and friends are invited to our monthly meeting and competition night – 7pm at DeMolay House on the second Tuesday of each month.
7:00 pm TPSI Monthly Meeting and Competi... @ DeMolay
TPSI Monthly Meeting and Competi... @ DeMolay
Oct 8 @ 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm
Members and friends are invited to our monthly meeting and competition night – 7pm at DeMolay House on the second Tuesday of each month.
Recent Posts Archives

Scott Kelby’s Worldwide Photowalk Day – 6th October

Saturday 6th October is Worldwide Photowalk Day. Come along to the Toowoomba CBD Photowalk. Hosted by your Toowoomba Photographic Society (TPS) and the Australian Institute of Professional Photographers (AIPP). Open to all levels of photographers.

You must log into the Photowalk webpage and register. Limited to the first 50 walkers only.


by Tryg Helander, September 18, 2018

Skills Night – 25th September – Change

Due to unforeseen circumstances, our next Skills Night (25th September) will not be Macro, as previously advertised. Instead, we will be exploring light art, using pixel stick illumination. Please bring along your camera, tripod and shutter release cord/remote (if you have one).
Also, I can produce any special imagery or words, that you would like to illuminate behind your subject. Please email the President with your ideas.
Also, bring along a warm jacket in case it is cool outside.


by Tryg Helander, September 14, 2018

TPS Club Meeting – 11 September 2018

Our next club meeting is at 7:00pm this coming Tuesday, 11th September 2018.  There have been 100 images submitted by 36 club members for our September 2018 Aggregate Competition which will be judged this evening by Barry Whisson.

The Set Subject for this month is Shadows.

We look forward to catching up with you all this evening.

And don’t forget that entries for the October 2018 Competition are required by 12:00 midnight on the 11th September 2018.

by Graham Harris, September 10, 2018

Stanthorpe Field Day – Car Pooling

For those attending the Stanthorpe Field Day tomorrow, there are several cars going with space to accommodate others. 

Please indicate if you’d like a lift, I can get you in touch with a driver. 

by Tryg Helander, August 31, 2018

September 1st – Stanthorpe Field Day update

Saturday 1st

Meet in Warwick 9 a.m. at the Jackie Howe park (Toowoomba side of 
Warwick before you get to the Condamine River).

Travel to Dalveen via old road and meet with some Stanthorpe members at 
the Jim Mitchell Park -9.45 to 10.00.

Go to Railway tunnel for photos (30 minutes max)

Travel to Thulimbah to Suttons for coffee. Could be some good photo 
opportunities there.

Go to Stanthorpe to photograph –  Big Thermometer, Mt Marley, War 
Memorial, Sentimental Rocks.  If we get away from Suttons early we can 
come via Amiens and visit the start of the Legacy Centre.

Meet with Stanthorpe members at 12.45 for lunch. Venue to be decided. 
I’ll check out a couple this week.

2 p.m. Leave for Tenterfield from the carpark at the Information Centre.

Leave Tenterfield when photography finished.

Toowoomba members drive home stopping along the way for dinner.

The aim will be to car pool. If we could have drivers (with spare spaces) contact me, I can offer up spaces to those interested. If you need transport, similarly, contact me and I will put you in contact with a driver, if one makes themselves available. 


Thank you.

by Tryg Helander, August 29, 2018

Skills Night – Tuesday 28th 7pm

Those members attending tomorrow night’s Skills Night and intend coming to the Exposure Basics and Camera Handling session with Tryg, please bring your camera (and camera manual if you need it).
I will have hand-outs.
Places for 10 only for this first session.

by Tryg Helander, August 27, 2018

New TPS Understudy Judge

I’d like to be the first to congratulate Dr. Jenny Graff, on behalf of all members and the committee, for her acceptance as an Understudy Judge (USJ) with the Photographic Society of Queensland (PSQ).

Her very varied and highly-regarded portfolio came back with unanimous acceptance from the Judges’ Executive.

Well done Jenny, we look forward to your judging into the future, and best of luck.

by Tryg Helander, August 25, 2018

Updating your contact details

If you have changed your e-mail address and wish to use that as your login tp access the TPS MyPhotoClub website (rather than your old e-mail address) then you need to update your contact details on the website.  This also assists us to make certain you continue to receive messages from the club.

To do this, log into the webiste and click on the purple “Hi Your Name” button at the top of the page.  This will open up your current profile page where you can change your contact and profile details by clicking on the red “Edit profile and contact details” button at the right of the page.

On the page which appears you can update your contact information and Photography Profile.  Don’t forget to click on the red “Update Details” button once you have made the necessary changes.


by Graham Harris, August 25, 2018

Skills Night – 28 August 2018

Our next Skills Night is being held on this coming Tuesday night, the 28 August 2018 at DeMolay House at 7:00pm.

This month Tryg Helander will be providing training to beginner members on the use of your basic camera settings, with a focus on the exposure triangle.

Additionally, Graham Harris will be running a post-processing session aimed at answering any questions you have on this aspect of image preparation for competition.  So bring your questions and we will look to answer these.

For this month the Image Challenge is “Of the Ground”.  Please send up to five images for this Challenge, together with up to five images for the Field Day and five for the Favourites to be included in the Skills Night audio-visual to me at graham_harris@westnet.com.au by 6:00pm on Monday 27th August 2018.

by Graham Harris, August 25, 2018

End of Year Dinner / Awards Night

For all those members attending the End of Year Dinner and Awards Night tomorrow, please remember to bring a small plate of something to share for pre-dinner nibbles or after-dinner nibbles.
There will be no need to bring chips and/or salsa, nuts, pretzels or lollies.
I would appreciate a few small fruit plates, some slice or cake, chocolate biscuits, cheeses/crackers etc.
If you are able to help, please reply below and claim one of the suggestions.
Remember there are drinks available at $1, profits back to the Society.

by Tryg Helander, August 23, 2018