Welcome to our Website

We meet on Tuesdays @ 7PM; face to face meetings are held at DeMolay House – 90 Margaret St Toowoomba (Opposite Queens Park) and on-line via Zoom

Session 10 – The Digital Darkroom @ Zoom Meeting
Jul 16 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/5857960052?pwd=bXdRalhQc1MzeUxYUUZMYURGQVNaQT09 Meeting ID: 585 796 0052 Passcode: q8X1Yw1
Speaker – Samuel Markham – “Landscape composition” @ Zoom Session
Jul 23 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Lightroom for Beginners Workshop 1 @ TRC Community Rooms, Level 3, City Library
Jul 27 @ 10:00 am – 3:00 pm

This first workshop will focus on understanding the Lightroom Catalog. What, exactly is the LR Catalog and how to set up a catalog that will allow you to easily organise, maintain and retrieve your photos in an orderly manner. We will also look at how best to import and export photos, assigning attributes, collections, keywording, and much more. Members should bring their laptop to the workshop for hands-on practice.

Your committee is looking for interest at this time so that venue bookings can be confirmed, etc. So if you are interested please please let me know by email: webmaster@tpsi.org.au

Lightroom for Beginners Workshop 2 @ Toowoomba Regional Library Community Rooms
Aug 3 @ 10:00 am – 3:00 pm

Meeting information is emailed out to members by our website.

We also try to have a field day each month. Locations will be emailed out via post from our website and you can see our planned outings on the calendar.

// Action for CLUBS
About us

Our aim is to promote, improve, share and enjoy photography in Toowoomba and the surrounding district offering many services, all specifically designed to improve photography and photographic skills in a friendly social atmosphere. Membership is open to all comers regardless of whether you are a beginner, an amateur or a professional photographer.

Join our Club Upcoming Events - mouse over for details
7:00 pm Session 10 – The Digital Darkroom @ Zoom Meeting
Session 10 – The Digital Darkroom @ Zoom Meeting
Jul 16 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/5857960052?pwd=bXdRalhQc1MzeUxYUUZMYURGQVNaQT09 Meeting ID: 585 796 0052 Passcode: q8X1Yw1
10:00 am Lightroom for Beginners Workshop 1 @ TRC Community Rooms, Level 3, City Library
Lightroom for Beginners Workshop 1 @ TRC Community Rooms, Level 3, City Library
Jul 27 @ 10:00 am – 3:00 pm
This first workshop will focus on understanding the Lightroom Catalog. What, exactly is the LR Catalog and how to set up a catalog that will allow you to easily organise, maintain and retrieve your photos[...]
7:00 pm TPSI Monthly Meeting and Competi... @ DeMolay
TPSI Monthly Meeting and Competi... @ DeMolay
Aug 13 @ 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm
Members and friends are invited to our monthly meeting and competition night – 7pm at DeMolay House on the second Tuesday of each month.
7:00 pm TPSI Monthly Meeting and Competi... @ DeMolay
TPSI Monthly Meeting and Competi... @ DeMolay
Sep 10 @ 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm
Members and friends are invited to our monthly meeting and competition night – 7pm at DeMolay House on the second Tuesday of each month.
7:00 pm TPSI Monthly Meeting and Competi... @ DeMolay
TPSI Monthly Meeting and Competi... @ DeMolay
Oct 8 @ 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm
Members and friends are invited to our monthly meeting and competition night – 7pm at DeMolay House on the second Tuesday of each month.
Recent Posts Archives

Tonight’s Meeting Postponed

Hi All,

Your committee are meeting tonight to do some cleanup work at the Hall. As such tonight’s meeting will be pushed to next week 31/10 (as there are 5 Tuesdays this month).

Have a great night.

by Travis Lord, October 24, 2023

Lightroom Masterclass Tonight

DATE: 17/10/2023
TIME: 7:00PM

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 992 8590 1931
Passcode: q8X1Yw

Notice about 2024 Committee – Treasurer position

In 2024 we will be seeking a Treasurer to follow on in Val’s footsteps. Val has been on the committee as treasurer for a number of years now and has advised her intentions to step down so as to concentrate on Her photography and personal life.

It would be ideal if someone could volunteer by November so that we can start the handover process and bring them up to speed with the position.

If you have the skillset required to be a treasurer, please get in contact with Travis (president@tpsi.org.au) or Pete (secretary@tpsi.org.au) ASAP.

I wish to publicly acknowledge the hard work that Val has put in over the years which has helped us strengthen the TPS’ overall financial position.
She is a valued committee member, general member and friend to many within TPS.

Changes to MPC & TPSI(Purple) Websites: – Final Notice.

Members – please familiarise yourself with some updates to the websites we use:
MyPhotoClub – Competition Website
Link: https://toowoomba.myphotoclub.com.au/
Info: This website is predominantly used for our competitions. You can get to the website using the above link, you do not need to go to the purple website first.
There is a new button in the menu for the comp entry info, clicking on this will take you to relevant information about the competitions we manage.

This will then land people onto here: https://toowoomba.myphotoclub.com.au/tps-comp-rules/
This rules, conditions and information page is being regularly updated whilst we compile all of the information from previous years. Please check here regularly for updates.

There were several buttons on the front page which have been relocated to up top of the logo so that they stand out more;

Also on the front page to the left of the slide show now shows up to date information about our usual meeting schedules.

When you go into a competition now, there is an orange button that used to link to the set subject definitions. This has been updated with more relevant information. When you click on this link another page with load (see below).

TPSI – Purple Website – How the public find us
Link: https://tpsi.org.au
Info: This website was created as customisation of the MyPhotoClub platform is very limited. It is linked to a number of google search tags and is one of the primary sources as to how new members find us. It’s also much easier to tell someone this link than the MyPhotoClub one. On this website you will find information about the club, membership fees and forms, as well as our storefront and other member information. It also hosts our email system EG: president@tpsi.org.au

On the left hand menu under “Members Area” new links have been added to point people to our TPS Video Recordings and Training Documents – these will redirect you to the MyPhotoClub website which you will need to login using the same details as if you were entering our monthly competitions. *Note* The general public can not view the information in these pages. The link to the Set Subjects has been updated to include outings as well.

We continue to be dedicated to streamlining processes within the club, if you identify any issues or better ways of doing things please reach out to the committee via committee@tpsi.org.au.


We are always looking for members to volunteer to assist with the general running of the society. Some of these will significantly lighten the load for your committee members which will then allow them to concentrate more on member training, up-skilling and other opportunities to benefit the overall running of the society.
Some areas which we are particularly looking for are:

  • Member Run Skills Nights
  • Field Day / Outings Co-ordinator
  • Community Engagement Co-ordinator
  • Social Media Co-ordinator
  • Hall night setup
  • Visual Media Setup (Laptop, projector etc)

If you would like to nominate yourself, please fill in this form to express your interest:

Regular Notices to Members – Important please read:

Trans-Tasman Cup 2H23 – Details have been finalised.
Topic – “Beauty”
Definition: “Beauty” – a combination of qualities, that pleases the aesthetic senses, especially the sight. Everybody see’s beauty in different things so show us what beauty means to you.  
Dates: Starting from 01 September to 31st of October.
Judging Night: Saturday 18th of November.

Next Outing: Greenup Meeting Place – 21/22 October CANCELLED DUE TO WEATHER AND FIRE RISKS

Print Night 2024: We are planning to hold a “print only” night in January 2024 where we will encourage all members to enter their images as prints. John Stewart has agreed to judge the imagery for us. For this night there will be no requirement to mount the prints.

Club Member Name Badges: A new member name badge has been developed, we encourage all members to purchase for face to face meetings and outings:

Commentary During Meeting & Judging Nights *reminder*:
We encourage feedback from our members regarding all aspects of the Society. Judging can be quite an emotional roller coaster, providing feedback to a judge is often of a negative nature. The committee often become inundated with feedback from members after a judging occurs which we have found causes our meetings to go late into the night.
As such, we have set up a separate sub committee that will meet on a different night to compile the report for the PSQ Judges, this will reduce the load on our committee meetings. From here-on we ask that all feedback regarding judging be done through this online form – Don’t forget that you can send positive feedback too…. Our judges work so hard and often a nice word will really help encourage them to continue doing this often thankless task.
Judging feedback can not be submitted anonymously, any feedback provided using false information will be discarded.
Please refrain from making comments over Zoom or in Person.
The form can be found here:

Some other comments have been regarding members images being displayed, sexist, religious or inappropriate nature during Zoom meetings or at the hall.
We believe that our club is a place for creative expression and learning, and we want to ensure that everyone feels welcome and respected. We would like to remind all members that any form of discrimination, harassment, or inappropriate behaviour will not be tolerated.

We urge all members to be mindful of their language and behaviour when participating in club activities. Please remember that our members are from different backgrounds, are at a different skill level and in general have come to socialise with and learn from each other.

We appreciate your cooperation in creating a respectful environment for all members of our photography club.

Concerns / Queries / Committee Contact

Do you need to contact a member or the whole committee? Click on one of the blue links below to send an email.


Are you having trouble using MyPhotoClub?
See the links on our front page for more info on how to make the most of it:


Update your contact details:
Please use our online form to update your contact details – including emergency contact information.
Link to Form:

Scroll down the page to the form section and select “Confirm or Update my Details” – Fill in the sections and press submit.

Please take note of the Updated Weekly Schedule:

We meet on Tuesdays @ 7PM; Face to face meetings are held at DeMolay – Margaret St Toowoomba Opposite Queens Park
Meeting information is emailed out to members via our MyPhotoClub website.
First Tuesday Photoshop Masterclass (Zoom)
Second Tuesday Comp Night – DeMolay (DeMolay & Zoom)
Third Tuesday Lightroom Masterclass (Zoom)
Fourth Tuesday Image Review (Zoom) or Guest Speaker (location to be advised)
Fifth Tuesday ADHOC – Zoom

We also try to have a field day each month. Locations will be emailed out, you can see our planned outings here:

Associate members can use the links below to access training files


Post in our Facebook Group:

2023 Set Subjects, Judges, Guidelines and Outings

Members Shirts
Order your member shirts here:
We are looking to add some options of TPS hats as well.

Need help saving images for comp?
See the instructions here:

Want to enter a Print into the Comps?
See here for instructions:

by Travis Lord, October 17, 2023

Greenup Outing 21/22 October 2023 CANCELLED

Hi All,

Due to the predicted weather, fire bans and significant risks, the committee have agreed to cancel this weekends outing.
If you have booked accommodation, it is recommended that you cancel it ASAP to ensure a refund.

Sorry for any inconvenience.

by Travis Lord, October 16, 2023

End of Year Competition and Celebration

Evening All,
There have been some questions around the end of Year Competition, so thought it best to email out to everyone.

What is the end of year competition?
The Toowoomba Photographic Society’s end of year competition has been an integral celebration of photography for well over 40 years. It has changed and morphed over the years and is now held annually in December taking the place of the December aggregate competition.
Essentially – it is a night to celebrate all of the fantastic imagery entered throughout the course of that year.

When / Where is it?
Second Tuesday Night in December – 12/12/2023 starting at 7PM in the DeMolay Hall – Toowoomba.

What happens?
A judge is assigned to go through all of the images that you have entered, they then choose a First, Second and Third place for each Category / Grade.
There are no “set subjects” – each image is judged based on its own against no set definition.

How many images can I enter?
Members can submit up to 4 images in total.

What Images can I submit?
You can ONLY submit images that have been previously entered in this years aggregate competition, meaning from comps between February to November 2023.

Can I re-edit photos before entering the end of year?
Yes, members can re-edit photos previously entered, in face we encourage it. Go back and look through the judges comments on your images and if you agree with the comments make those adjustments and enter the image. The image however should still be recognisable against the original entry. Conversions from colour to mono is ok same as mono to colour.

What else happens at the end of year?
After judging is complete, we plan to have a end of year party for members to enjoy. The “Menu” is to be confirmed closer to the date. We will confirm dietary requirements at the time also.

For more information – see the following document: https://toowoomba.myphotoclub.com.au/wp-content/uploads/sites/111/2023/10/End-Of-Year-Comp-Rules-and-Guidelines.pdf

by Travis Lord, October 11, 2023

Results for competitions in October 2023

There were 107 entries that were rated the highest by our judge(s).

Members can view all images and comment on them by following this link
View / Comment entries in October 2023

click here to see a pdf catalog of all competition results

Dusk in Quay Street, Rockhampton
Grant Phillips – Honour
DIGITAL A Grade Open Colour

Beautiful Wanaka
Cheryl Bellette – Honour
DIGITAL A Grade Open Colour

The End
Pete McDonald – Honour
DIGITAL A Grade Open Colour

And behind window 305 is.
Bruce Tame – Honour
DIGITAL A Grade SetSubject Colour

Eastern Waterdragon
Mitchell Roberts – Honour
DIGITAL B Grade Open Colour

Dead Beautiful
Melanie Emeny – Honour
DIGITAL B Grade Open Colour

Christkindlmarkt in Germany
Jane Lobegeier – Honour
DIGITAL B Grade Open Colour

Bush Window
Robert Edser – Honour
DIGITAL B Grade SetSubject Colour

Windows of Montevideo
Veronica Sorley – Honour
PRINT Salon Grade SetSubject Colour

I’ll Protect
Richard Wyton – Honour
DIGITAL Salon Grade Open Colour

On Lookout Duty
Tryg Helander – Honour
DIGITAL Salon Grade Open Colour

Shapes and Letters
Jasmin Lord – Honour
DIGITAL Salon Grade Open Colour

The Shop Window
Pierre Boudib – Honour
DIGITAL Salon Grade SetSubject Colour

Window Shopping
Anthony Harrison – Honour
DIGITAL Salon Grade SetSubject Colour

Window to the alleyway
Sandy Adsett – Honour
DIGITAL Salon Grade SetSubject Mono

Windows Windows Windows
Pete McDonald – Honour
DIGITAL A Grade SetSubject Mono

The road to home
Wayne Liebelt – Honour
DIGITAL A Grade Open Mono

Old But Not Abandoned
Belinda Kranz – Honour
DIGITAL A Grade Open Mono

Ferris Wheel
Julie Buza – Honour
DIGITAL B Grade Open Mono

Man In A Hat
Julie Buza – Honour
DIGITAL B Grade Open Mono

Home of Superwoman
Lyn Liebelt – Merit
DIGITAL A Grade Open Colour

Three aside
Terry O’Brien – Merit
DIGITAL A Grade Open Colour

Terry O’Brien – Merit
DIGITAL A Grade Open Colour

Busy at work
Kym Stewart – Merit
DIGITAL A Grade Open Colour

Its Carnival Time
Dianne Horrocks – Merit
DIGITAL A Grade Open Colour

Princes Pier Rainy Day
Kim Kuhnemann – Merit
DIGITAL A Grade Open Colour

Kings Beach Sunrise
Belinda Kranz – Merit
DIGITAL A Grade Open Colour

All the things I’ve seen
Lyn Liebelt – Merit
DIGITAL A Grade SetSubject Colour

The view from the kitchen, Lanyon H
Grant Phillips – Merit
DIGITAL A Grade SetSubject Colour

Window of the Giants 1
Jo Christensen – Merit
DIGITAL A Grade SetSubject Colour

Train @ Broken Hill Museum
Ann Gibbs-Jordan – Merit
DIGITAL A Grade SetSubject Colour

Sunset across the lake
Robin Widdowson – Merit
DIGITAL B Grade Open Colour

The Colour of Youth
Robert Edser – Merit
DIGITAL B Grade Open Colour

I want out
Iris Castle – Merit
DIGITAL B Grade Open Colour

Talkeetna By Air
Mitchell Roberts – Merit
DIGITAL B Grade SetSubject Colour

Iris Castle – Merit
DIGITAL B Grade SetSubject Colour

Natures Window
Melanie Emeny – Merit
DIGITAL B Grade SetSubject Colour

There! I fixed it.
Stewart Dorman – Merit
DIGITAL B Grade SetSubject Colour

High Tea at Fairmont Lake Louise
Jane Lobegeier – Merit
DIGITAL B Grade SetSubject Colour

The Lagoon
Allan McLucas – Merit
DIGITAL B Grade SetSubject Colour

A narrow widow to navigate
Ken Morton – Merit
DIGITAL B Grade SetSubject Colour

One Dewy Morning
Allan Rosser – Merit
PRINT Salon Grade Open Colour

Looking In Looking Out
Sandra Neill – Merit
PRINT Salon Grade SetSubject Colour

2 Day Old Plover Chick
Dean Mengel – Merit
DIGITAL Salon Grade Open Colour

Malareenya Creek Panorama
Graham Harris – Merit
DIGITAL Salon Grade Open Colour

Yellow billed Spoonbill
Andrew Raguse – Merit
DIGITAL Salon Grade Open Colour

A women’s work…….
Jo-Ann Aspromourgos – Merit
DIGITAL Salon Grade SetSubject Colour

Dean Mengel – Merit
DIGITAL Salon Grade SetSubject Colour

Through the windows of the past
Jasmin Lord – Merit
DIGITAL Salon Grade SetSubject Colour

A chair in there
Sandy Adsett – Merit
DIGITAL Salon Grade SetSubject Mono

in the sheep yards
Sara Hedley – Merit
DIGITAL Salon Grade Open Mono

The King is Resting
Tryg Helander – Merit
DIGITAL Salon Grade Open Mono

Reflections on the Tree of Life
Veronica Sorley – Merit
PRINT Salon Grade SetSubject Mono

Looking Back in Time
Marilyn Johnson – Merit
DIGITAL B Grade SetSubject Mono

ZSR2105_30December22 3
Sonny Rutherford – Highly Commended
DIGITAL A Grade Open Colour

Windows into another world
Val Shield – Highly Commended
DIGITAL A Grade Open Colour

Grey Fantail Feeding
Bruce Tame – Highly Commended
DIGITAL A Grade Open Colour

Corner Window
Inge Gajczak – Highly Commended
DIGITAL A Grade SetSubject Colour

Window at the back
Inge Gajczak – Highly Commended
DIGITAL A Grade SetSubject Colour

The whiskey room view
Wayne Liebelt – Highly Commended
DIGITAL A Grade SetSubject Colour

Through to the Bay
Dennis Clark – Highly Commended
DIGITAL A Grade SetSubject Colour

Looking into the past
Jo Christensen – Highly Commended
DIGITAL A Grade SetSubject Colour

El Cheapo_Window basics_Minimalism
Barry Whisson – Highly Commended
DIGITAL A Grade SetSubject Colour

Window with colour
Ann Gibbs-Jordan – Highly Commended
DIGITAL A Grade SetSubject Colour

A Curved Set Of Five
Tim Dunn – Highly Commended
DIGITAL A Grade SetSubject Colour

Murray Views
Cheryl Bellette – Highly Commended
DIGITAL A Grade SetSubject Colour

Light it up
Timothy van den Bosch – Highly Commended
DIGITAL B Grade Open Colour

Morning Reflections
Peter Allison – Highly Commended
DIGITAL B Grade Open Colour

Colourful Parrot resting
Peter Allison – Highly Commended
DIGITAL B Grade Open Colour

Seen better days
Les Maidment – Highly Commended
DIGITAL B Grade Open Colour

Another passenger flight done
Les Maidment – Highly Commended
DIGITAL B Grade Open Colour

Early Sunrise
Evan Williams – Highly Commended
DIGITAL B Grade Open Colour

I’m looking through you.
Stewart Dorman – Highly Commended
DIGITAL B Grade SetSubject Colour

Windows through a ‘window’
Robin Widdowson – Highly Commended
DIGITAL B Grade SetSubject Colour

Arched Windows
Marilyn Johnson – Highly Commended
DIGITAL B Grade SetSubject Colour

Old Window
Sharon Helander – Highly Commended
DIGITAL B Grade SetSubject Colour

Room with View
Evan Williams – Highly Commended
DIGITAL B Grade SetSubject Colour

Windows and Walkers
John Stewart – Highly Commended
PRINT Salon Grade SetSubject Colour

Australian Shingleback
Andrew Raguse – Highly Commended
DIGITAL Salon Grade Open Colour

Jason Wheeler – Highly Commended
DIGITAL Salon Grade Open Colour

Janine Waters – Highly Commended
DIGITAL Salon Grade SetSubject Colour

Janine Waters – Highly Commended
DIGITAL Salon Grade SetSubject Colour

City Windows
Richard Wyton – Highly Commended
DIGITAL Salon Grade SetSubject Colour

A Silent Voice
Pierre Boudib – Highly Commended
DIGITAL Salon Grade Open Mono

Catch me if you can
Graham Harris – Highly Commended
DIGITAL Salon Grade Open Mono

Got ya!
Sara Hedley – Highly Commended
DIGITAL Salon Grade Open Mono

I See You
Sandra Neill – Highly Commended
PRINT Salon Grade SetSubject Mono

Window Art
John Stewart – Highly Commended
PRINT Salon Grade SetSubject Mono

Rear Window
Kim Kuhnemann – Highly Commended
DIGITAL A Grade SetSubject Mono

ZSR4192_03May23 3
Sonny Rutherford – Highly Commended
DIGITAL A Grade Open Mono

Sacré-Coeur windows to Paris
Deb McDonald – Highly Commended
DIGITAL B Grade SetSubject Mono

Mt Gower
Allan McLucas – Highly Commended
DIGITAL B Grade SetSubject Mono

Ribbons of Smoke
Sharon Helander – Highly Commended
DIGITAL B Grade Open Mono

Kym Stewart – Commended
DIGITAL A Grade Open Colour

A Day At The Beach
Dianne Horrocks – Commended
DIGITAL A Grade Open Colour

My Outlook
Dennis Clark – Commended
DIGITAL A Grade SetSubject Colour

Fun geometrics_old library windows
Barry Whisson – Commended
DIGITAL A Grade SetSubject Colour

Catholic Church Lismore
Tim Dunn – Commended
DIGITAL A Grade SetSubject Colour

I spy a Hobbit
Ken Morton – Commended
DIGITAL B Grade SetSubject Colour

Like Open Windows on the Creek
Allan Rosser – Commended
PRINT Salon Grade SetSubject Colour

Jason Wheeler – Commended
DIGITAL Salon Grade Open Colour

First course
Margaret Kebble – Commended
DIGITAL Salon Grade Open Colour

Coloured glass
Jo-Ann Aspromourgos – Commended
DIGITAL Salon Grade SetSubject Colour

Cuppa Time
Roberta Edwards – Commended
DIGITAL Salon Grade Open Mono

Craigs Hut Winter
Anthony Harrison – Commended
DIGITAL Salon Grade Open Mono

An Apple a Day
Roberta Edwards – Commended
DIGITAL Salon Grade Creative

Fiery floral night dance
Margaret Kebble – Commended
DIGITAL Salon Grade Creative

by Travis Lord, October 10, 2023

Judging Night Tonight

DATE: 10/10/2023
TIME: 7:00PM

Where: DeMolay & Zoom
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 992 8590 1931
Passcode: q8X1Yw

Changes to MPC & TPSI(Purple) Websites:

Members – please familiarise yourself with some updates to the websites we use:
MyPhotoClub – Competition Website
Link: https://toowoomba.myphotoclub.com.au/
Info: This website is predominantly used for our competitions. You can get to the website using the above link, you do not need to go to the purple website first.
There is a new button in the menu for the comp entry info, clicking on this will take you to relevant information about the competitions we manage.

This will then land people onto here: https://toowoomba.myphotoclub.com.au/tps-comp-rules/
This rules, conditions and information page is being regularly updated whilst we compile all of the information from previous years. Please check here regularly for updates.

There were several buttons on the front page which have been relocated to up top of the logo so that they stand out more;

Also on the front page to the left of the slide show now shows up to date information about our usual meeting schedules.

When you go into a competition now, there is an orange button that used to link to the set subject definitions. This has been updated with more relevant information. When you click on this link another page with load (see below).

TPSI – Purple Website – How the public find us
Link: https://tpsi.org.au
Info: This website was created as customisation of the MyPhotoClub platform is very limited. It is linked to a number of google search tags and is one of the primary sources as to how new members find us. It’s also much easier to tell someone this link than the MyPhotoClub one. On this website you will find information about the club, membership fees and forms, as well as our storefront and other member information. It also hosts our email system EG: president@tpsi.org.au

On the left hand menu under “Members Area” new links have been added to point people to our TPS Video Recordings and Training Documents – these will redirect you to the MyPhotoClub website which you will need to login using the same details as if you were entering our monthly competitions. *Note* The general public can not view the information in these pages. The link to the Set Subjects has been updated to include outings as well.

We continue to be dedicated to streamlining processes within the club, if you identify any issues or better ways of doing things please reach out to the committee via committee@tpsi.org.au.


We are always looking for members to volunteer to assist with the general running of the society. Some of these will significantly lighten the load for your committee members which will then allow them to concentrate more on member training, up-skilling and other opportunities to benefit the overall running of the society.
Some areas which we are particularly looking for are:

  • Member Run Skills Nights
  • Field Day / Outings Co-ordinator
  • Community Engagement Co-ordinator
  • Social Media Co-ordinator
  • Hall night setup
  • Visual Media Setup (Laptop, projector etc)

If you would like to nominate yourself, please fill in this form to express your interest:

Regular Notices to Members – Important please read:

Trans-Tasman Cup 2H23 – Details have been finalised.
Topic – “Beauty”
Definition: “Beauty” – a combination of qualities, that pleases the aesthetic senses, especially the sight. Everybody see’s beauty in different things so show us what beauty means to you.  
Dates: Starting from 01 September to 31st of October.
Judging Night: Saturday 18th of November.

Next Outing: Greenup Meeting Place – 21/22 October details as follows:

Committee Members 2024: There are discussions within your current committee regarding changes in members for 2024.
Please consider volunteering. If you have an interest in this space please contact the president and secretary.

Print Night 2024: We are planning to hold a “print only” night in January 2024 where we will encourage all members to enter their images as prints. John Stewart has agreed to judge the imagery for us. For this night there will be no requirement to mount the prints.

Club Member Name Badges: A new member name badge has been developed, we encourage all members to purchase for face to face meetings and outings:

Commentary During Meeting & Judging Nights *reminder*:
We encourage feedback from our members regarding all aspects of the Society. Judging can be quite an emotional roller coaster, providing feedback to a judge is often of a negative nature. The committee often become inundated with feedback from members after a judging occurs which we have found causes our meetings to go late into the night.
As such, we have set up a separate sub committee that will meet on a different night to compile the report for the PSQ Judges, this will reduce the load on our committee meetings. From here-on we ask that all feedback regarding judging be done through this online form – Don’t forget that you can send positive feedback too…. Our judges work so hard and often a nice word will really help encourage them to continue doing this often thankless task.
Judging feedback can not be submitted anonymously, any feedback provided using false information will be discarded.
Please refrain from making comments over Zoom or in Person.
The form can be found here:

Some other comments have been regarding members images being displayed, sexist, religious or inappropriate nature during Zoom meetings or at the hall.
We believe that our club is a place for creative expression and learning, and we want to ensure that everyone feels welcome and respected. We would like to remind all members that any form of discrimination, harassment, or inappropriate behaviour will not be tolerated.

We urge all members to be mindful of their language and behaviour when participating in club activities. Please remember that our members are from different backgrounds, are at a different skill level and in general have come to socialise with and learn from each other.

We appreciate your cooperation in creating a respectful environment for all members of our photography club.

Concerns / Queries / Committee Contact

Do you need to contact a member or the whole committee? Click on one of the blue links below to send an email.


Are you having trouble using MyPhotoClub?
See the links on our front page for more info on how to make the most of it:


Update your contact details:
Please use our online form to update your contact details – including emergency contact information.
Link to Form:

Scroll down the page to the form section and select “Confirm or Update my Details” – Fill in the sections and press submit.

Please take note of the Updated Weekly Schedule:

We meet on Tuesdays @ 7PM; Face to face meetings are held at DeMolay – Margaret St Toowoomba Opposite Queens Park
Meeting information is emailed out to members via our MyPhotoClub website.
First Tuesday Photoshop Masterclass (Zoom)
Second Tuesday Comp Night – DeMolay (DeMolay & Zoom)
Third Tuesday Lightroom Masterclass (Zoom)
Fourth Tuesday Image Review (Zoom) or Guest Speaker (location to be advised)
Fifth Tuesday ADHOC – Zoom

We also try to have a field day each month. Locations will be emailed out, you can see our planned outings here:

Associate members can use the links below to access training files


Post in our Facebook Group:

2023 Set Subjects, Judges, Guidelines and Outings

Members Shirts
Order your member shirts here:
We are looking to add some options of TPS hats as well.

Need help saving images for comp?
See the instructions here:

Want to enter a Print into the Comps?
See here for instructions:

by Travis Lord, October 10, 2023

Trans-Tasman Cup 2H23

All – Just a reminder that we are fast approaching the due date for the 2H23 Trans-Tasman comp against Howick. You have until the end of October to upload your entries.
Currently there are less than 10 images uploaded.

Topic – “Beauty”
Definition: “Beauty” – a combination of qualities, that pleases the aesthetic senses, especially the sight. Everybody see’s beauty in different things so show us what beauty means to you.  
Comp Dates: Starting from 01 September to 31st of October.
Upload your images here:
Judging Night: Saturday 18th of November.

by Travis Lord, October 9, 2023

October Outing 21/22 October – Greenup Meeting Place

Topics: Nature, Macro, Sunrise, Sunset, Landscape, Reflections and Night Photography

Based on the survey response, members should book accommodation at Greenup Individually, or group up together. Bookings can be done here and should be done ASAP.

Below is a general plan for the weekend – this may change slightly before the date based on feedback. If you have any suggestions on locations or things to photograph please let the committee know ASAP. committee@tpsi.org.au

Day trippers are welcome as well.

Date: October 21-22, 2023
Time: No specific time, but see below for recommended times for activities.
Remember to group up with other members and get to know each other.
Please note that members may arrive at different times feel free to explore the area at your own pace as well.

Please ensure you fill in this form if you are attending this outing.

If you are not currently a financial member or you are bringing a visitor; an associate membership should be purchased to be covered by insurance. This only needs to happen once a year.
Purchase membership here:

Notes about Greenup:
Greenup Meeting Place is a picturesque 10 acre property, with frontage on Bracker Creek and Coolmunda Dam located near Inglewood, close to the Queensland border, coffee and meals at CC Cafe Thursday-Monday 7am-4pm.

Note About Location: Ticks may in this area. It is recommended to ensure members employ methods to reduce tick bites and know how to remove them.

Phone service might be patchy

Saturday 21 October

8am – 10am : Morning Nature and Macro Photography

Some Nature that you might find here:

Some more info about nature at Greenup:

Explore the surroundings to capture close-up shots of flowers, insects, and other small details.

Explore the areas near Macintyre Brook and Bracker Creek

Use a macro lens (if available) to capture intricate textures and patterns.

Suggested Focal Length for Macro: 50mm – 100mm.
Suggested Focal Length for nature / birds: 200mm – 600mm+

10 – 11 AM: Morning Tea & Coffee
Take a break at the Cafe and meetup with other members to share photos and locations.

12PM – If you intend to have dinner at the Cafe you MUST let the Chef know before 12 PM so that they can cook you a meal.

Evening meal: Spoil yourself while camping! Let our Chef, Col, know before 12pm and we will cook you an evening meal for $30 head / BYO!

11AM – 2PM Free time – Check out some of the surrounding area.
Grab some lunch during this time:
Possible locations to visit:
Yelarbon Silo Art:

Texas Water Tank Art:

Leven K Lavender Farm:

Goondiwindi Region Website:

2PM – 3PM – Afternoon Tea & Coffee
Take a break at the Cafe and meetup with other members to share photos and locations. Share some of the locations nearby that you have found.

3PM – 5PM – Afternoon Nature and Macro Photography
Some Nature that you might find here:

Some more info about nature at Greenup:

Explore the surroundings to capture close-up shots of flowers, insects, and other small details.

Explore the areas near Macintyre Brook and Bracker Creek

Use a macro lens (if available) to capture intricate textures and patterns.

Suggested Focal Length for Macro: 50mm – 100mm.
Suggested Focal Length for nature / birds: 200mm – 600mm+

5PM – 6:30PM – Golden Hour – Blue Hour

Capture the beauty of the Brook and Creek and its surroundings in the golden hour lighting.
Experiment with different compositions, including leading lines, foreground interest, and reflections.
Graduated ND filters can be used to balance exposure between the bright sky and darker land.
Suggested Focal Length: 16mm – 35mm for wide-angle landscape shots.

6:30PM: Onwards – Dinner (Time to be confirmed with Chef)
Enjoy dinner at CC Cafe. Share your photography and locations.
Take a break to relax and socialise with fellow photographers.
Check your camera settings and review the photos you’ve taken so far.

7:30 PM: Night time Photography – Light trails, moon on water, intentional camera movement

Unfortunately this will not be an optimal time for Astro photography. The moon will be at 39% and rises at 10AM – setting around 12:30am on Sunday.
This however could be an interesting subject with the moon reflections on the water, or playing with torches / light sources and capturing light trails.

Alternatively you could setup in an area that can see the road and capture headlights / brake lights of passing vehicles. You might even be able to convince another member to be a vehicle model for you ;).

Star trails may be possible, however will be difficult with the moon, if you can find a good subject and a break in the trees- set your camera to face south for the best circular motion.

You could attempt some intention camera movement here, zoom pulls, focus pulls etc using the stars.

Use a medium to high ISO setting (800, 1600etc) , wide aperture (f/2.8 or lower), and longer exposure times 20, 30 seconds and beyond.

Consider using a remote shutter release or the camera’s built-in timer to minimise camera shake.

Experiment with different compositions and foreground elements.

Suggested Focal Length: 16mm – 35mm, fast glass preferred (f/2.8, f4 will work but will require higher ISO).

Sunday 22 October 2023

Sunrise: 4:45 – 5:30AM

For those who wish to be up early, Sunrise is at 5:12AM.
You may be able to capture nice filtered light along the creek, or mist on the water of the brook.

8AM – Breakfast, Coffee, Tea at the Cafe
Self explanatory – Use this time to discuss with others potential shoot locations.

10AM Onwards:
Look at Saturdays Plan and follow a similar plan, alternatively travel in the region to check out some other photography locations.




Additional Tips:

Bring extra camera batteries and memory cards to ensure you don’t run out of power or storage space.

A sturdy tripod is essential for stable long exposures and night photography.

Consider carrying a flashlight or headlamp for navigating in the dark.

If you’re interested in light painting, bring along some light sources. Torches, battery powered Christmas lights, light bars etc. Just keep in mind other campers.

Dress appropriately for changing weather conditions and bring insect repellent.

Cheat Sheets for Astro & Night Photography

What to Bring:

Camera Gear:

Camera body with fully charged batteries.

Macro lens (60mm – 100mm for crop sensor, 90mm – 150mm for full frame, 45mm – 75mm for micro four thirds).

Wide-angle lens (10mm – 20mm for crop sensor, 16mm – 35mm for full frame, 8mm – 14mm for micro four thirds).

Standard zoom or prime lens (18mm – 50mm equivalent for crop sensor, 24mm – 70mm for full frame, 12mm – 35mm for micro four thirds).

Ultra-wide-angle lens (14mm – 24mm) for Night Photography.

Sturdy tripod.

Remote shutter release or timer.

Graduated ND filters.

Polarising filter.

Lens cleaning kit.

Extra memory cards.

Camera bag or backpack.

Personal Items:

Comfortable clothing and sturdy shoes.

Insect repellent.

Snacks and water.

Sunscreen and a hat.

Layered clothing.

Notebooks and pens.

Night time Photography Essentials:

Flashlight, torches and lights

Warm beverages.

Portable camping chair or blanket.


Photography books or guides.

First aid kit.

Trash bags.

Personal identification and emergency contact information.

Directions from Toowoomba


Toowoomba City
Queensland 4350
Take State Route 48 and National Route 42 to Greenup Limevale Rd in Coolmunda
1 hr 38 min (140 km)
Head south on Ruthven St towards Margaret St
7.0 km
Continue onto New England Hwy/A3
8.2 km
Turn left to stay on New England Hwy/A3
4.1 km
Turn right onto Cambooya Connection Rd/State Route 48
Continue to follow State Route 48
74.3 km
Turn right onto National Route 42
38.7 km
Turn left onto Stanthorpe Inglewood Rd/A89
7.4 km
Continue on Greenup Limevale Rd to your destination
1 min (500 m)
Continue straight onto Greenup Limevale Rd
400 m
Turn right
Destination will be on the left
100 m
Greenup Meeting Place
40 Greenup Limevale Rd, Coolmunda QLD 4387

by Travis Lord, October 8, 2023

Photoshop Masterclass Tonight on Zoom – 7PM

Tonight there will be a photoshop masterclass on gradients and their uses in photography post-processing. If there is time we will cover light rays and sunbeams also.

DATE: 03/10/2023
TIME: 7:00PM

Where: Zoom
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 992 8590 1931
Passcode: q8X1Yw

Changes to MPC & TPSI(Purple) Websites:

Members – please familiarise yourself with some updates to the websites we use:
MyPhotoClub – Competition Website
Link: https://toowoomba.myphotoclub.com.au/
Info: This website is predominantly used for our competitions. You can get to the website using the above link, you do not need to go to the purple website first.
There is a new button in the menu for the comp entry info, clicking on this will take you to relevant information about the competitions we manage.

This will then land people onto here: https://toowoomba.myphotoclub.com.au/tps-comp-rules/
This rules, conditions and information page is being regularly updated whilst we compile all of the information from previous years. Please check here regularly for updates.

There were several buttons on the front page which have been relocated to up top of the logo so that they stand out more;

Also on the front page to the left of the slide show now shows up to date information about our usual meeting schedules.

When you go into a competition now, there is an orange button that used to link to the set subject definitions. This has been updated with more relevant information. When you click on this link another page with load (see below).

TPSI – Purple Website – How the public find us
Link: https://tpsi.org.au
Info: This website was created as customisation of the MyPhotoClub platform is very limited. It is linked to a number of google search tags and is one of the primary sources as to how new members find us. It’s also much easier to tell someone this link than the MyPhotoClub one. On this website you will find information about the club, membership fees and forms, as well as our storefront and other member information. It also hosts our email system EG: president@tpsi.org.au

On the left hand menu under “Members Area” new links have been added to point people to our TPS Video Recordings and Training Documents – these will redirect you to the MyPhotoClub website which you will need to login using the same details as if you were entering our monthly competitions. *Note* The general public can not view the information in these pages. The link to the Set Subjects has been updated to include outings as well.

We continue to be dedicated to streamlining processes within the club, if you identify any issues or better ways of doing things please reach out to the committee via committee@tpsi.org.au.


We are always looking for members to volunteer to assist with the general running of the society. Some of these will significantly lighten the load for your committee members which will then allow them to concentrate more on member training, up-skilling and other opportunities to benefit the overall running of the society.
Some areas which we are particularly looking for are:

  • Member Run Skills Nights
  • Field Day / Outings Co-ordinator
  • Community Engagement Co-ordinator
  • Social Media Co-ordinator
  • Hall night setup
  • Visual Media Setup (Laptop, projector etc)

If you would like to nominate yourself, please fill in this form to express your interest:

Regular Notices to Members – Important please read:

Trans-Tasman Cup 2H23 – Details have been finalised.
Topic – “Beauty”
Definition: “Beauty” – a combination of qualities, that pleases the aesthetic senses, especially the sight. Everybody see’s beauty in different things so show us what beauty means to you.  
Dates: Starting from 01 September to 31st of October.
Judging Night: Saturday 18th of November.

Next Outing: Greenup Meeting Place – https://toowoomba.myphotoclub.com.au/october-outing-greenup-meeting-place-eoi-required/

Committee Members 2024: There are discussions within your current committee regarding changes in members for 2024.
Please consider volunteering. If you have an interest in this space please contact the president and secretary.

Print Night 2024: We are planning to hold a “print only” night in January 2024 where we will encourage all members to enter their images as prints. John Stewart has agreed to judge the imagery for us. For this night there will be no requirement to mount the prints.

Club Member Name Badges: A new member name badge has been developed, we encourage all members to purchase for face to face meetings and outings:

Commentary During Meeting & Judging Nights *reminder*:
We encourage feedback from our members regarding all aspects of the Society. Judging can be quite an emotional roller coaster, providing feedback to a judge is often of a negative nature. The committee often become inundated with feedback from members after a judging occurs which we have found causes our meetings to go late into the night.
As such, we have set up a separate sub committee that will meet on a different night to compile the report for the PSQ Judges, this will reduce the load on our committee meetings. From here-on we ask that all feedback regarding judging be done through this online form – Don’t forget that you can send positive feedback too…. Our judges work so hard and often a nice word will really help encourage them to continue doing this often thankless task.
Judging feedback can not be submitted anonymously, any feedback provided using false information will be discarded.
Please refrain from making comments over Zoom or in Person.
The form can be found here:

Some other comments have been regarding members images being displayed, sexist, religious or inappropriate nature during Zoom meetings or at the hall.
We believe that our club is a place for creative expression and learning, and we want to ensure that everyone feels welcome and respected. We would like to remind all members that any form of discrimination, harassment, or inappropriate behaviour will not be tolerated.

We urge all members to be mindful of their language and behaviour when participating in club activities. Please remember that our members are from different backgrounds, are at a different skill level and in general have come to socialise with and learn from each other.

We appreciate your cooperation in creating a respectful environment for all members of our photography club.

Concerns / Queries / Committee Contact

Do you need to contact a member or the whole committee? Click on one of the blue links below to send an email.


Are you having trouble using MyPhotoClub?
See the links on our front page for more info on how to make the most of it:


Update your contact details:
Please use our online form to update your contact details – including emergency contact information.
Link to Form:

Scroll down the page to the form section and select “Confirm or Update my Details” – Fill in the sections and press submit.

Please take note of the Updated Weekly Schedule:

We meet on Tuesdays @ 7PM; Face to face meetings are held at DeMolay – Margaret St Toowoomba Opposite Queens Park
Meeting information is emailed out to members via our MyPhotoClub website.
First Tuesday Photoshop Masterclass (Zoom)
Second Tuesday Comp Night – DeMolay (DeMolay & Zoom)
Third Tuesday Lightroom Masterclass (Zoom)
Fourth Tuesday Image Review (Zoom) or Guest Speaker (location to be advised)
Fifth Tuesday ADHOC – Zoom

We also try to have a field day each month. Locations will be emailed out, you can see our planned outings here:

Associate members can use the links below to access training files


Post in our Facebook Group:

2023 Set Subjects, Judges, Guidelines and Outings

Members Shirts
Order your member shirts here:
We are looking to add some options of TPS hats as well.

Need help saving images for comp?
See the instructions here:

Want to enter a Print into the Comps?
See here for instructions:

by Travis Lord, October 3, 2023

QLD Interclub 2023 Results

Hi All,
I’ve just received the results from the 2023 Interclub Competition.
This year we placed fifth – tied with Rockhampton. I am so proud of the hard work you have all put in and the fantastic imagery that was submitted.

Create an image that represents a celebratory moment in the world of photography. Imagine a group of enthusiastic photographers, cameras in hand celebrating a great achievement

The new subjects for next year have been released and we will be working the guidelines into our standard aggregate competition for 2024.

The topics are:
Food Photography
Non A-Grade Open

Get your camera’s ready to photograph some of these great topics!

by Travis Lord, September 29, 2023