Welcome to our Website

We meet on Tuesdays @ 7PM; face to face meetings are held at DeMolay House – 90 Margaret St Toowoomba (Opposite Queens Park) and on-line via Zoom

Speaker – Samuel Markham – “Landscape composition” @ Zoom Session
Jul 23 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Please note the change of address for the Zoom meeting for this session: ZOOM Link – https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIuce6vrDMsGdCrh16RsOKv2whVlwpE6sTT ZOOM Meeting ID  – 863 6772 8634 Password –  gra45hj    
Lightroom for Beginners Workshop 1 @ TRC Community Rooms, Level 3, City Library
Jul 27 @ 10:00 am – 3:00 pm

This first workshop will focus on understanding the Lightroom Catalog. What, exactly is the LR Catalog and how to set up a catalog that will allow you to easily organise, maintain and retrieve your photos in an orderly manner. We will also look at how best to import and export photos, assigning attributes, collections, keywording, and much more. Members should bring their laptop to the workshop for hands-on practice.

Your committee is looking for interest at this time so that venue bookings can be confirmed, etc. So if you are interested please please let me know by email: webmaster@tpsi.org.au

Lightroom for Beginners Workshop 2 @ Toowoomba Regional Library Community Rooms
Aug 3 @ 10:00 am – 3:00 pm
TPS Field Day – Nightscape Photography @ St Pauls Anglican Church (TBC)
Aug 3 @ 4:30 pm – 10:30 pm

Meeting information is emailed out to members by our website.

We also try to have a field day each month. Locations will be emailed out via post from our website and you can see our planned outings on the calendar.

// Action for CLUBS
About us

Our aim is to promote, improve, share and enjoy photography in Toowoomba and the surrounding district offering many services, all specifically designed to improve photography and photographic skills in a friendly social atmosphere. Membership is open to all comers regardless of whether you are a beginner, an amateur or a professional photographer.

Join our Club Upcoming Events - mouse over for details
7:00 pm Speaker – Samuel Markham – “Land... @ Zoom Session
Speaker – Samuel Markham – “Land... @ Zoom Session
Jul 23 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Please note the change of address for the Zoom meeting for this session: ZOOM Link – https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIuce6vrDMsGdCrh16RsOKv2whVlwpE6sTT ZOOM Meeting ID  – 863 6772 8634 Password –  gra45hj    
10:00 am Lightroom for Beginners Workshop 1 @ TRC Community Rooms, Level 3, City Library
Lightroom for Beginners Workshop 1 @ TRC Community Rooms, Level 3, City Library
Jul 27 @ 10:00 am – 3:00 pm
This first workshop will focus on understanding the Lightroom Catalog. What, exactly is the LR Catalog and how to set up a catalog that will allow you to easily organise, maintain and retrieve your photos[...]
7:00 pm TPSI Monthly Meeting and Competi... @ DeMolay
TPSI Monthly Meeting and Competi... @ DeMolay
Aug 13 @ 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm
Members and friends are invited to our monthly meeting and competition night – 7pm at DeMolay House on the second Tuesday of each month.
7:00 pm TPSI Monthly Meeting and Competi... @ DeMolay
TPSI Monthly Meeting and Competi... @ DeMolay
Sep 10 @ 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm
Members and friends are invited to our monthly meeting and competition night – 7pm at DeMolay House on the second Tuesday of each month.
7:00 pm TPSI Monthly Meeting and Competi... @ DeMolay
TPSI Monthly Meeting and Competi... @ DeMolay
Oct 8 @ 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm
Members and friends are invited to our monthly meeting and competition night – 7pm at DeMolay House on the second Tuesday of each month.
Recent Posts Archives

Skills Night – Tuesday 27th November 7pm – Shiny Christmas Ornaments

Don’t forget your cameras and flashes/speedlights and shiny Christmas ornaments for tomorrow night’s Skills Night. We will be photographing these reflective ornaments to show how to deal with specular highlights and reflective return.
If you have a festive tablecloth and ornaments to make a small scene, this will work well. See you tomorrow!

by Tryg Helander, November 26, 2018

Coffee Catch-Up and Micro Skills Tuesday Nights @ Jilly’s Cafe, Margaret Street

These are the anticipated dates in our series of micro skills on coffee catch-up nights. 
1. White Balance – Done
2. Metering Modes – Done
3. Bracketing – 4 December 2018
4. Shutter Priority and Shutter Effects – 15 January 2019
5. Aperture Priority and Effects – 29 January 2019
6. Stitching Panoramas – 5 February 2019
7. Speedlight/Flash Use – 19 February 2019
8. Lighting Setups – 5 March 2019
9. Low Key and High Key Lighting – 19 March 2019
10. Panning – 2 April 2019
11. Night Sky/Astro Photography – 16 April 2019
12. Action Sports Photography – 30 April 2019
13. Model Posing – 7 May 2019
14. Abstract Photography – 21 May 2019
15. Composition Guidelines – 4 June 2019
16. Lighting Effects, Smoke and Wind – 18 June 2019
17. Presets and Actions in Lightroom and Photoshop – 2 July 2019
18. Ultra Close-up and Macro – 16 July 2019

by Tryg Helander, November 23, 2018

TPS Skills Night – 27 November 2018

Our next TPS Skills Night is on Tuesday, 27 November 2018 at 7:00pm.
For this month the Image Challenge is “Doors”.  Please send up to five images for this Challenge, together with up to five images for the Field Day and five for the Favourites to be included in the Skills Night audio-visual to me at graham_harris@westnet.com.au by 6:00pm on Monday 26th November 2018.

by Graham Harris, November 21, 2018

Alice Black Award – November 2018 – “A Wet Day in the Horse Yards” by John Stewart

To perpetuate the memory of our late member Alice Black, the club has introduced the ‘Alice Black Memorial Trophy’ to be contested each year on a perpetual basis.

At each month’s Aggregate Competition the judge will select an image from all those entered as the monthly Alice Black Image – they will use their own criteria to select the image regardless of the score given.  All images submitted in the Aggregate Competition have the potential to become a possible winner of the Trophy as there is no restriction on the grade of the entrant or the medium in which the image is presented.

For November 2018 the Alice Black has been awarded to John Stewart for his print “A wet day in the horse yards”.  This image was entered in the Salon Grade Mono Set Subject: “Motion” Print section.

Our judge, Allan Rosser commented “Well done, slow enough to show the drops dropping, but not slow enough for other things to blur. The progression of dark to light enhances the image.”

by Graham Harris, November 21, 2018

TPS Club Meeting – 13 November 2018

Our next club meeting is at 7:00pm this coming Tuesday, 13th November 2018.  There have been 131 images submitted by 46 club members for our November 2018 Aggregate Competition which will be judged this evening by Allen Rosser.

The Set Subject for this month is “Motion”.

We look forward to catching up with you all this evening.

And don’t forget that entries for the December 2018 Competition are required by 12:00 midnight on the 13th November 2018 – the set subject for this month is “Fairs, Shows, Markets”.

by Graham Harris, November 11, 2018

Digital Projected Images – Competition Image Size


The Committee wanted to inform all that the competition image size is now 2000px x 2000px and 2,000 kilobytes (or 2 megabytes).

Please use this extra megabyte and ensure your images make full use of these sizing parameters.



by Tryg Helander, November 9, 2018

Coffee Catch-up Night

Don’t forget Tuesday night (6th November) is our first Coffee Catch-up at Jilly’s Cafe, 6-7pm.

Our first night will be about making sure we cover what ‘you’ want over the next year.

Each night will discover a new micro-skill, that we will learn about….them put into practice!

The first meeting of the month will introduce the micro-skill that will become our online photo competition subject! That way you learn, do, show!

This first month, we will be learning about:
White Balance

It’ll only cost you a gold coin and the purchase of a coffee/drink, or coffee and cake (Jilly’s has marvelous cakes!)

Meet you at Jilly’s, Margaret Street, just down from the Neil Street intersection. 6pm. Tuesday night.

The Prez

by Tryg Helander, November 5, 2018

Coffee Catch-up Night

Don’t forget Tuesday night (6th November) is our first Coffee Catch-up at Jilly’s Cafe, 6-7pm.

Our first night will be about making sure we cover what ‘you’ want over the next year.

Each night will discover a new micro-skill, that we will learn about….them put into practice!

The first meeting of the month will introduce the micro-skill that will become our online photo competition subject! That way you learn, do, show!

This first month, we will be learning about:
White Balance

It’ll only cost you a gold coin and the purchase of a coffee/drink, or coffee and cake (Jilly’s has marvelous cakes!)

Meet you at Jilly’s, Margaret Street, just down from the Neil Street intersection. 6pm. Tuesday night.

The Prez

by Tryg Helander, November 4, 2018

Skills Night tonight – True Macro and Close-Up Photography


Please remember to bring camera, tripod, any flash/strobe/speedlight and cable/wireless trigger you may have for tonight’s demonstration and practice of close-up and macro photography. 

by Tryg Helander, October 23, 2018

Boggo Road Gaol Field Day – Update

Boggo Road Gaol Field Day – update
Saturday 27th October
The booking time is 1:30pm start.
For those in Toowoomba, the plan is to leave from St. Joseph’s College Carpark at 11:30am, arriving NLT 13:15pm.
St. Joseph’s is located at 54 James Street, Rangeville. We will be car-pooling as much as possible, if you need a lift to the event from Toowoomba, please be at the school to be allocated a car.
It is approximately 90minutes to the gaol.
Pay the $15.00 entry fee at the gaol, to the TPS president (Who will be wearing a big orange safety vest). Then we should gain access by 1:30pm.
We might have to wait while the previous group leaves.
We have 2 hours allocated exclusively for TPS and invited external club members.
Please reply to this post if you will be seeking a ride in the car-pool.

by Tryg Helander, October 17, 2018