Welcome to our Website

We meet on Tuesdays @ 7PM; face to face meetings are held at DeMolay House – 90 Margaret St Toowoomba (Opposite Queens Park) and on-line via Zoom

Speaker – Samuel Markham – “Landscape composition” @ Zoom Session
Jul 23 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Please note the change of address for the Zoom meeting for this session: ZOOM Link – https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIuce6vrDMsGdCrh16RsOKv2whVlwpE6sTT ZOOM Meeting ID  – 863 6772 8634 Password –  gra45hj    
Lightroom for Beginners Workshop 1 @ TRC Community Rooms, Level 3, City Library
Jul 27 @ 10:00 am – 3:00 pm

This first workshop will focus on understanding the Lightroom Catalog. What, exactly is the LR Catalog and how to set up a catalog that will allow you to easily organise, maintain and retrieve your photos in an orderly manner. We will also look at how best to import and export photos, assigning attributes, collections, keywording, and much more. Members should bring their laptop to the workshop for hands-on practice.

Your committee is looking for interest at this time so that venue bookings can be confirmed, etc. So if you are interested please please let me know by email: webmaster@tpsi.org.au

Lightroom for Beginners Workshop 2 @ Toowoomba Regional Library Community Rooms
Aug 3 @ 10:00 am – 3:00 pm
TPS Field Day – Nightscape Photography @ St Pauls Anglican Church (TBC)
Aug 3 @ 4:30 pm – 10:30 pm

Meeting information is emailed out to members by our website.

We also try to have a field day each month. Locations will be emailed out via post from our website and you can see our planned outings on the calendar.

// Action for CLUBS
About us

Our aim is to promote, improve, share and enjoy photography in Toowoomba and the surrounding district offering many services, all specifically designed to improve photography and photographic skills in a friendly social atmosphere. Membership is open to all comers regardless of whether you are a beginner, an amateur or a professional photographer.

Join our Club Upcoming Events - mouse over for details
7:00 pm Session 10 – The Digital Darkroom @ Zoom Meeting
Session 10 – The Digital Darkroom @ Zoom Meeting
Jul 16 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/5857960052?pwd=bXdRalhQc1MzeUxYUUZMYURGQVNaQT09 Meeting ID: 585 796 0052 Passcode: q8X1Yw1
7:00 pm Speaker – Samuel Markham – “Land... @ Zoom Session
Speaker – Samuel Markham – “Land... @ Zoom Session
Jul 23 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Please note the change of address for the Zoom meeting for this session: ZOOM Link – https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIuce6vrDMsGdCrh16RsOKv2whVlwpE6sTT ZOOM Meeting ID  – 863 6772 8634 Password –  gra45hj    
10:00 am Lightroom for Beginners Workshop 1 @ TRC Community Rooms, Level 3, City Library
Lightroom for Beginners Workshop 1 @ TRC Community Rooms, Level 3, City Library
Jul 27 @ 10:00 am – 3:00 pm
This first workshop will focus on understanding the Lightroom Catalog. What, exactly is the LR Catalog and how to set up a catalog that will allow you to easily organise, maintain and retrieve your photos[...]
7:00 pm TPSI Monthly Meeting and Competi... @ DeMolay
TPSI Monthly Meeting and Competi... @ DeMolay
Aug 13 @ 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm
Members and friends are invited to our monthly meeting and competition night – 7pm at DeMolay House on the second Tuesday of each month.
7:00 pm TPSI Monthly Meeting and Competi... @ DeMolay
TPSI Monthly Meeting and Competi... @ DeMolay
Sep 10 @ 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm
Members and friends are invited to our monthly meeting and competition night – 7pm at DeMolay House on the second Tuesday of each month.
7:00 pm TPSI Monthly Meeting and Competi... @ DeMolay
TPSI Monthly Meeting and Competi... @ DeMolay
Oct 8 @ 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm
Members and friends are invited to our monthly meeting and competition night – 7pm at DeMolay House on the second Tuesday of each month.
Recent Posts Archives

Claim The Date, end of Year Dinner and Presentation Night

Pay ment can be made by direct deposit or at the door on a club night. we have to book numbers one week before so RSVP is critical.  The End of Year Dinner has been cemented as the 24th August and Golden Roast, the catering provider, will be tasked to provide both main and desert. Cost per member will be $35 per head. The pre-dinner nibbles will be by contribution by members. The bread will be purchased by Vintage Vignettes Photography. The club will run a soft-drink bar at $1 per can. No alcohol will be permitted as DeMolay house is an alcohol-free zone. Pre dinner nibbles will satrt at 6:30pm with sit down to eat at 7:00pm. Tea and coffee will be available after the meal.Toowoomba Photographic Society
Greg Ivanov
Toowoomba Photographic Society

by Greg Ivanov, July 8, 2018

Claim The Date

The End of Year Dinner has been cemented as the 24th August and Golden Roast, the catering provider, will be tasked to provide both main and desert. Cost per member will be $35 per head. The pre-dinner nibbles will be by contribution by members. The bread will be purchased by Vintage Vignettes Photography. The club will run a soft-drink bar at $1 per can. No alcohol will be permitted as DeMolay house is an alcohol-free zone.

Pre dinner nibbles will satrt at 6:30pm with sit down to eat at 7:00pm. Tea and coffee will be available after the meal.

by Greg Ivanov, July 8, 2018