Next weekend (22 and 23 June 2024) TPS will be holding field days for our members in collaboration with the Toowoomba Jump Club.

On Saturday 22 June at 9:00am we will meet with Kylie Schooley, President, Toowoomba Jump Club at their club rooms at the Toowoomba Showgrounds (see directions below). She will provide details on safety precautions for us to follow. This day will involve dressage in the morning and jumping in the afternoon in the main Toowoomba Showground ring.

On Sunday 23 June 2024 at 7:30am we will again meet with Kylie Schooley at the Toowoomba Jump Club rooms for details related to the cross country event we will be photographing that day.

Below is a map showing directions to the Toowoomba Jump Club rooms at the Toowoomba Showgrounds. The directions are:

  • Head west along Glenvale Road until you enter the main Toowoomba Showground gate
  • follow the road past the Toowoomba Showground offices and continue to The Burger House – just past this building turn left and drive past the McDonald Woodchop Arena
  • Turn right at the next road and park on the area north of the West Toowoomba Pony Club rooms ( we will meet Kylie Schooley here)
Follow the red arrows to the meeting place

There will be food and refreshments available for purchase at the field day.

If you intend attending one or both days you will need to complete a Field Day attendance form which at the moment is accessible at – please complete this form for each day if attending both. This is a requirement for our PSQ Insurance for members participating in the field days.

This will be a great opportunity to meet with other members, capture some interesting horse sport photos and learn a little bit more about your camera and photography.