Welcome to our Website

We meet on Tuesdays @ 7PM; face to face meetings are held at DeMolay House – 90 Margaret St Toowoomba (Opposite Queens Park) and on-line via Zoom

Speaker – Samuel Markham – “Landscape composition” @ Zoom Session
Jul 23 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Please note the change of address for the Zoom meeting for this session: ZOOM Link – https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIuce6vrDMsGdCrh16RsOKv2whVlwpE6sTT ZOOM Meeting ID  – 863 6772 8634 Password –  gra45hj    
Lightroom for Beginners Workshop 1 @ TRC Community Rooms, Level 3, City Library
Jul 27 @ 10:00 am – 3:00 pm

This first workshop will focus on understanding the Lightroom Catalog. What, exactly is the LR Catalog and how to set up a catalog that will allow you to easily organise, maintain and retrieve your photos in an orderly manner. We will also look at how best to import and export photos, assigning attributes, collections, keywording, and much more. Members should bring their laptop to the workshop for hands-on practice.

Your committee is looking for interest at this time so that venue bookings can be confirmed, etc. So if you are interested please please let me know by email: webmaster@tpsi.org.au

Lightroom for Beginners Workshop 2 @ Toowoomba Regional Library Community Rooms
Aug 3 @ 10:00 am – 3:00 pm
TPS Field Day – Nightscape Photography @ St Pauls Anglican Church (TBC)
Aug 3 @ 4:30 pm – 10:30 pm

Meeting information is emailed out to members by our website.

We also try to have a field day each month. Locations will be emailed out via post from our website and you can see our planned outings on the calendar.

// Action for CLUBS
About us

Our aim is to promote, improve, share and enjoy photography in Toowoomba and the surrounding district offering many services, all specifically designed to improve photography and photographic skills in a friendly social atmosphere. Membership is open to all comers regardless of whether you are a beginner, an amateur or a professional photographer.

Join our Club Upcoming Events - mouse over for details
7:00 pm Speaker – Samuel Markham – “Land... @ Zoom Session
Speaker – Samuel Markham – “Land... @ Zoom Session
Jul 23 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Please note the change of address for the Zoom meeting for this session: ZOOM Link – https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIuce6vrDMsGdCrh16RsOKv2whVlwpE6sTT ZOOM Meeting ID  – 863 6772 8634 Password –  gra45hj    
10:00 am Lightroom for Beginners Workshop 1 @ TRC Community Rooms, Level 3, City Library
Lightroom for Beginners Workshop 1 @ TRC Community Rooms, Level 3, City Library
Jul 27 @ 10:00 am – 3:00 pm
This first workshop will focus on understanding the Lightroom Catalog. What, exactly is the LR Catalog and how to set up a catalog that will allow you to easily organise, maintain and retrieve your photos[...]
7:00 pm TPSI Monthly Meeting and Competi... @ DeMolay
TPSI Monthly Meeting and Competi... @ DeMolay
Aug 13 @ 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm
Members and friends are invited to our monthly meeting and competition night – 7pm at DeMolay House on the second Tuesday of each month.
7:00 pm TPSI Monthly Meeting and Competi... @ DeMolay
TPSI Monthly Meeting and Competi... @ DeMolay
Sep 10 @ 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm
Members and friends are invited to our monthly meeting and competition night – 7pm at DeMolay House on the second Tuesday of each month.
7:00 pm TPSI Monthly Meeting and Competi... @ DeMolay
TPSI Monthly Meeting and Competi... @ DeMolay
Oct 8 @ 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm
Members and friends are invited to our monthly meeting and competition night – 7pm at DeMolay House on the second Tuesday of each month.
Recent Posts Archives

End of Year Competition Entries – due 12 June 2018

The entries for our 2018 End of Year Competition are due before or at our next club meeting on Tuesday, the 12th of June 2018.


by Graham Harris, May 27, 2018

TPS Members Survey – Your Responses Needed

It has been nearly three weeks since TPS members were asked to complete an on-line survey.  To date 33 members have filled in the survey but we would like many more to complete it.  Please take the five minutes needed to complete the survey – the TPS Committee would like a better understanding of our membership in order to better provide improved services to our members.

To take the survey click on the following link – https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/6Q73GNG   – your responses are needed by the 12 June 2018.

by Graham Harris, May 24, 2018

TPS Skills Night – 22 May 2018

Our next TPS Skills Night is on Tuesday, 22 May 2018 at 7:00pm.  This month we’ll continue looking at the importance of composition in photography.

For this month the Image Challenge is “A Touch of Red”.  Please send up to five images for this Challenge, together with up to five images for the Field Day and five for the Favourites to be included in the Skills Night audio-visual to me at graham_harris@westnet.com.au by 6:00pm on Monday 21st May 2018.

by Graham Harris, May 19, 2018

Alice Black Award – May 2018 – “Smoking Ceremony” by Pierre Boudib

To perpetuate the memory of our late member Alice Black, the club has introduced the ‘Alice Black Memorial Trophy’ to be contested each year on a perpetual basis.


by Graham Harris, May 9, 2018

TPS Members Survey

The TPS Committee have created a members survey which we would like you to complete.  This is an on-line survey which can be accessed by clicking on the link https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/6Q73GNG.

The survey should take less than 5 minutes to complete.  We’d like it completed by the 12 June 2018.  Your responses will give us a better understanding of our membership and how we can best provide improved services to our members.

by Graham Harris, May 6, 2018

TPS Club Meeting – 8th May 2018

Our next club meeting is at 7:00pm this coming Tuesday, 8th May 2018.  There have been  91 images submitted by 31 club members for our May 2018 Aggregate Competition which will be judged this evening by Tryg Helander, PSQ Understudy Judge

There are two Set Subject for this month:

  1.  Letters
  2.  Sport

We look forward to catching up with you all this evening.

Members can also download their latest Cable Release at May 2018 Cable Release.

by Graham Harris, May 6, 2018

June 2018 Aggregate Entries – due 8th May 2018

The entries for our June 2018 competition are due before or at our next club meeting on Tuesday, the 8th of May 2018.


by Graham Harris, May 4, 2018

Queensland International Digital Circuit 2018

The 5th Queensland International Digital Circuit is now open.  This provides an excellent opportunity for our members to “dip their toe in the water” of international competition.  The circuit will comprise four salons, each with four sections
and conducted in accordance with FIAP, PSA, GPU and APS (Australian Photographic Society) requirements and It is held in association with PSQ (Photographic Society of Queensland Inc.) where all 4 legs are located. There will be Open Colour, Open  B&W / Mono, Nature and the Special Theme for this year is ‘Child/Children’.

All images will be judged by experienced and/or accredited judges holding FIAP distinctions  and will be displayed on a 60 inch HD TV. All of the images will be randomized. A high quality printed catalogue will be made available to all entrants that have correctly submitted images to this Circuit and complied with all ‘Conditions of Entry’.

Note: Also ensure the Images you upload hasn’t  received an acceptance or award in either of the previous four QIDC salons.

The full details of the competition (and cost) can be found at the website for the Queensland International Digital Circuit at www.queensland-photo.com.

by Graham Harris, April 22, 2018

TPS Skills Night – 24 April 2018

Our next TPS Skills Night is on next Tuesday, 24 April 2018 at 7:00pm.  This month we’ll continue looking at the importance of composition in photography.

For this month the Image Challenge is “Patterns in Nature”.  Please send up to five images for this Challenge, together with up to five images for the Field Day and five for the Favourites to be included in the Skills Night audio-visual to me at graham_harris@westnet.com.au by 6:00pm on Monday 23rd April 2018.

by Graham Harris, April 21, 2018

Alice Black Award – April 2018 – “Having a Puff” by John Stewart

To perpetuate the memory of our late member Alice Black, the club has introduced the ‘Alice Black Memorial Trophy’ to be contested each year on a perpetual basis.


by Graham Harris, April 13, 2018