The TPS Committee met on Wednesday 20 March 2024 and made several changes/additions to the regular monthly Aggregate Competition held on the second Tuesday of each month.

From our April 2024 Aggregate Competition meeting all digital entries for competition must comply with the following dimensions/size:

  • must be equal to or less than 1920 pixels on the horizontal side (the long edge of a landscape orientated image)
  • must be equal to or less than 1080 pixels on the vertical side (the long side of a portrait orientated image)
  • must be equal to or less than 5 Mb in size

This complies with the standard image sizes entered into International competitions and brings our requirements in line with these competitions. Instructions on sizing your images will be uploaded to the MyPhotoClub website and a demonstration will be given at the Zoom meeting on Tuesday 26 March 2024 (details to be provided in a future post).

At our April 2024 Aggregate Competition night (and at following ones) we are intending to hold two 10 minute “Meet the Member” sessions. This will be an opportunity for members to show 5 of their images and speak to them – for example why and how the images were made. The Committee felt this was a good way for members to know a little more about each other and our work. We are seeking volunteers for these sessions so please e-mail the President at if you wish to be one of our future presenters.

From the May 2024 Aggregate Competition night there will be a slideshow presentation during the supper break of images submitted by members that are not judged or commented on. All members have the opportunity to submit up to 2 digital images each month into the monthly Non-Judged Entries section within MyPhotoClub. This is an ideal opportunity for you to show and see your work up on the big screen – all images will be displayed with title and image makers name. We are keen for members who do not normally enter our competitions to submit their entries for this slideshow – the closing date and time is the same as that for our Aggregate Competition – by midnight on the Tuesday night of the competition the month before they are shown. The entries for the May 2024 non-judged section are thus due by midnight on the 10 April 2024. Thus all members will be able to enter up to 4 images per month – two for competition and two for the non-judged section slideshow.

If you have any questions in relation to these changes please e-mail the Committee at