Unfortunately the second in our Photographer’s Retrospective series featuring Graham planned for 26 April 2020 was cancelled due to the pandemic.  It would have followed the launch of his 4th book in March.  Graham sent the committee an article “Looking to the Future” (November 2020), which I have incorporated into other material planned for the April event. The tribute to Graham that I never got to deliver appears below with a link to the articles and list of honours and award attained by Graham.

Introduction to Graham Burstow’s Photographic Retrospective by REDACTED

“Thank you for all for attending tonight.

We have a great roll-up, and we knew we would, as Graham Burstow is so well-known in the photography community, and the Toowoomba community in general.

This year marks the 115th Anniversary of Toowoomba Photographic Society, one of the oldest photographic societies in Queensland.

For more than half that time, Graham has been a member of TPS.

He joined TPS in the year that I was born.  That’s a coincidence by the way. 

Apart from my grey hair, the clue to the year is that the Korean War was still raging.

I had the job of retyping Graham’s updated honours and awards list gained during his life in photography of 73 years.

It is a four page document of 5,000 characters including 1,000 words.

So you will forgive me if I don’t try to read this out.

It is available on the TPS website.

Instead, I will just briefly describe the time I have known Graham Burstow.

Graham was one of the first TPS members to welcome me when I first joined a few years ago.

Graham was one of the first to ever say to me, “I like that image you entered in this month’s competition”.

Graham was one of the first to ever say to me during a TPS event, “you should be up there giving a talk”.

I hope I haven’t disappointed you, Graham.

Graham has written that when judging a photo he looks for the “heart” in the image.

No-one has a bigger heart than Graham Burstow, as will be obvious from his presentation.

Without any further ado, please welcome Graham.
