Hi All,
There has been a processing issue with the times related to the 2022 January Set Subject “Silhouette”.
As a result, we have extended the closing time until this Saturday 18/12 at 23:59. Please ensure your entries are uploaded before this time.

To see the list of set subjects and their definitions head to the following link:
Toowoomba Photographic Society – 2022 Set Subjects – Definitions / Judges / Dates (tpsi.org.au)

Tonight 14/12 @7PM DeMolay House

Tonight will be the results from the End of 2021, Alice Black and David Hack competitions.

Where: DeMolay House
Time: 7PM

Please ensure you have the Check-In QLD App installed on your smart device prior to arriving.

If you have an Apple iPhone type device, you can find the app here:

For an Android based device (Samsung, HTC, Oppo, Google Pixel or similar) you can find the app here:

For more information about this, read this post:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 585 796 0052
Passcode: q8X1Yw