Please note meetings will be 6.30pm for a 7pm start due to processing times on entry due to Covid regulations.



The maximum number of people in the hall is 66.

The kitchen and back area of the hall is off limits.  The back door will be closed.

There will be no food provided.  You can bring your own cup and supper if you wish but you will need to take this home with you without washing it.  (If you wish to buy, the Parkhouse restaurant is next door.)

Entrance and exit will be through the front door. 

Upon entrance, you will need to observe the Covid health signs and make a declaration regarding those directives which includes your name, phone, email or street address and signature.  Your temperature will be taken and recorded.  (These records must be kept for 56 days.)  Hand sanitizer will be provided upon entrance.

At the hall entrance, you will need to bring the exact change of $2, if possible.  [This amount covers the supplies required for Covid regulations.] 

You will need to collect your own chair and place it 2meters from the next person unless there is a family relationship.  2 METERS IS 2 ARM LENGTHS APART.  You are responsible after use for the cleaning of the chair and placing it back where it came from.  Bacterial wipes will be provided.

All tables and other surfaces used INCLUDING THE PERMANENT SEATS on the night will need to be wiped down and sprayed.  This includes the toilet areas as well. 

  • The toilet areas to be cleaned are the seats, buttons, door handles, sinks, taps, etc. [Glen 20 will be provided.] 
  • The storage area surfaces will also need to be cleaned including the door handle.

Disposable gloves will also be provided.